After MONTHS of hard work, particularly by Cynthia and Ed, our new web site is in the early testing stage and should be ready for more wide-spread testing in a week or so. I think it looks GORGEOUS, but then, of course, I am biased!
We will be needing 10 volunteers willing to “play” with and test all aspects and get the bugs out of the site before it goes to prime time. If you would like to help us with this, please send your contact information (email and telephone number) to Cynthia:
and we will contact you to give you your assignments.
Please be assured that we will NOT make your contact information public in any way.
Thanks for your interest!!
Sara Anne
Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
BCG; BCG maintenance
Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
Forum Moderator