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  • burned house

    Posted by Rockyiss on May 12, 2009 at 1:30 am

    Well guys I got to cook in my kitchen for mothers Day ! I have a stove and refidgerater. No counters, no sink, I borrowed some spoons off my mother in law (I can,t find any silverware in the boxes stored yet) Then we packed up the food went to our fishing pond with my kids and grandkids and cooked out and fished all day. We didn’t get to do it last year because of my husband getting chemo. I can’t wait for my house to be finished, but I am not looking forward to unpacking and washing everthing !
    The cleaners brought back our clothes, blankets ,shoes .boots and everthing they could haul out after the fire. It cost my insurance company, ready for this…almost nine thousand dollars ! I could have washed most of it myself and they would have paid me !( now they tell me)
    I talked to a guy today that had a fire six weeks ago and the insurance guy still hasn’t been there. Our agent came from three and ahalf hours away and was there within five hours of the fire. The next day we had a check for the damages, check to rent a place to stay in and a check to go to the store and get what we needed. In case your wondering who our insurance was , it was Nationwide. They truly have been on our side.
    I will be so glad when this is all done !!!! Rocky

    Webs replied 15 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • webs's avatar


    May 12, 2009 at 4:44 am

    Glad to hear the end is in site. We will all do a happy dance with you when you finish.


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