Blood in urine
Microscopic blood in urine was found at physical 1 year ago. Retested—still there. All other blood and urine tests fine. Had pathology test urine—no cancer cells. Visited with urologist and had CT scan with and without contrast. All was good but found 2 small kidney stones and 2 simple cysts on kidneys. About 6 months ago, I had the cystoscopy and all was good. I had physical about 1 month ago and all lab work was good except still have microscopic hematuria. Urologist said to retest in 1 1/2 to 2 years to check kidney stones. Two days ago I had visible blood in urine. Light pink yesterday. Today gone but probably microscopic. Not sure what I should do. I have no pain. I do feel slight discomfort or ache in lower back when I walk a lot, but I may just notice that hoping it is kidney stones on the move.