Bleeding After 4th Dose of BCG
I am a 54 y.o. male who was diagnosed in Feb 2018 and have had two TURBT and then started BCG in May. The first three doses were not pleasant but I had no big side effects except for blood in my urine for 2-4 days afterwards. Before the 4th dose, the P.A. at my urologist office who has been administering the BCG even commented on how clear my urine was and seemed very happy about that. That must have jinxed me, because that 15 days ago on June 11th and I still have blood in my urine since that day’s dose 4. I have been unable to get my doses the last two Mondays because of blood in my urine sample. I know blood in my urine this long is unusual but my urologist doesn’t seem too concerned, saying there is probably just some scab that broke open or something. I asked them if coffee or the nicotine I’m chewing could be exacerbating this and they don’t think so. I know I should quit the nicotine gum even though it is not a “known carcinogen.” Does anyone have any other advice or insight? Thanks very much.
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