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  • Bladder Spasms from BCG

    Posted by Nix on March 18, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    I had 6 BCG’s last Nov – it went fairly well – a little fever and a hour or two of spasms. The BCG did what it was suppose to (yeah!!) I had a clear cysto – and now I just finished the second of three maintenance. This time, I had bladder spasms for over 14 hrs. Is there an little trick to help manage the spasms? The best I could do was walk around the house all that time. If anyone has any help, I would be very grateful.

    Nancy S Ta CIS

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
    Nix replied 16 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • nix

    March 26, 2008 at 8:28 pm


    We are all scared, however with time you will learn to put your worries in their place and live in between the cystos. Just learn as much as you can, ask a lot of questions and get second, third and forth opinions – if need be. This forum has helped me so much, I am sure it will also help you.

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • gina

    March 26, 2008 at 12:30 am

    Yes! Joe..I hope your procedure goes smoothly with a negative result!!…and thank you to all here for sharing their experiances! I am very new with all of this and honestly I hope for the strength heard from each of you!! Perhaps I am over reacting, but I continue to be very much afraid… :- I had my first of BCG treatments yesterday and while I became extremely tired a few hours afterwards, I felt that it went well. I am only expecting to have six treatments…I never thought I’d have MORE?!! Oh well, positive thoughts…denial for me…sigh…anyway..thanks again to all. gina

  • nix

    March 21, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    Good Luck, Joe – I hope every nook and cranny is clear!

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • joey

    March 20, 2008 at 10:40 pm

    I also took urelle during my BCG treatments with little side effects. Waiting for my first cysto since my surgery. This will take place on 04/15/08.


    TA 1

  • nix

    March 20, 2008 at 11:56 am

    Gordo and Craig
    I don’t have much bleeding, just a drop – however my Uro told me not to take Ibuprofen, since it can cause bleeding. So since my dx I have used Tylenol. I do get a fever for a few hours, but other than that so far the only problem are the spasms. I guess so far I am lucky, I have one more maintanace to go thru next Mon.
    I called my Uro and he suggested I try Detrol LA. So I take one pill a day during BCG. I don’t know if it will work this time, since I am only taking it for 5 days before BCG. If it works I will let you know.
    My spasms have very slowly progressed with the BCG – this last time they were more intense and lasted much longer. If this does not work, I am going to suggest a smaller dose of BCG
    Thanks for the info,it is good to know we are not alone during all this treatment!

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • Cstockton

    March 20, 2008 at 6:36 am

    Did you experience Spasms?

    After my first three treatments, I still was unsure what bladder spasms were, or how I would know I was having them. The nurse told me that other’s have described them as very strong and sometimes painful urges to urinate, at times to the point that if you do NOT use the toilet you may wet yourself. Based on that definition, I have had spasms (frequent strong but mostly painless urges to urinate), but they have yet to cause me enough trouble that I take action. So far, they last only for the remainder of the day following my treatment.

    My practice has been to avoid food and water for a few hours prior to the treatment, then to tank up on water following the treatment. Other than feeling strong flu-like symptoms, my treatments have been bearable. From the sounds of it, I may have more challenges with my maintenance treatments…I will let you know.

    Craig Stockton
  • gordo

    March 20, 2008 at 5:45 am

    Wish you well with your remaining maintenance treatments Nancy. I had the 6 installations first round, and 6 again second round, but the side effects were considerable for me during the maintenance installations. I found that lots of water after the 2 hours wasn’t helping much. Ibuprofen helped a little. But when my BCG dosages were reduced in half (last 3 installations), that made a world of difference as far as pain, fevers, etc. I still had the usual blood, and tissue when voiding. As Dr. Lamm so well put it (not quoting directly), there’s no need for anyone to suffer when the reduced dosage of the BCG is still effective. Amen to that!!!



  • nix

    March 18, 2008 at 6:08 pm

    Thank you so much, I will ask. Did you experience Spasms? I did not have very many during the first 6 but this time is a little different. You are right – so far so good. BCG sure beats Chemo! Hopefully, I can dodge that bullet with BCG.

    Nancy S

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • Cstockton

    March 18, 2008 at 2:20 pm

    Nancy, I believe that is the drug my urologist gave me for just that purpose, during my BCG treatments (I would have to go check the bottle to be sure, but he did mention the blue/green color and risk of stains).

    Aside from the spasms, you seem to be doing VERY well! Good to read your report!

    Craig Stockton
  • nix

    March 18, 2008 at 1:43 pm


    Thank you for the suggestion, I will ask my Uro about Urelle.

    Nancy S

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • momof4

    March 18, 2008 at 1:15 pm

    Hi Nancy,

    Ask your Dr. about a drug called “Urelle” it is taken orally, and is a bladder antiseptic, and also controls spasms. It is alittle alarming in that it turns your urine blue/green, and it will stain anything it touches. It does work dramatically well on the spasms…but I am not sure if it can be used with your BCG treatment.

    Good Luck,

    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

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