Bladder cancer it is…
So I like many of you experienced a little blood, a little burning, and now my life is kind of on a new course. As a 37 yo man, I have been told that my entry into our little circle is a little out of the norm.
I was officially diagnosed last Wednesday following a CT scan which showed a “small mass” in my bladder, and wednesday’s slight incursion of a video camera into my bladder. The mass is on the “trigone” so it looks like staging is going to be tough if not impossible because they are not sure they can get it with a ridged scope – so they might just go in with a flexible scope and do laser ablation.
The mass is 8mm, so really small and likely stage 0 just given it’s size. BCG at this time seems unlikely, however, if there is a reoccurrence they may opt for it just to be safe. My surgery is currently slated for March 7th – so… I guess we will have to see what happens. I am rather encouraged that the procedure is less than an hour (most likely).
Has anyone here gone through the ablation versus the traditional loop method for TURBT? If you have had both, I’d love to know the recovery difference. Judging by the picture I saw there is a healthy blood supply, so I am expecting some pretty decent bleeding, and judging by the reaction after my first scope last week it’s going to be like pissing fire for a day or two for sure… does this reaction ever go away? I have a lot of scoping coming up the rest of my life and I’d like to know if you get used to it?