• Posted by julieanne on August 22, 2008 at 1:33 am

    Hello friends! I haven’t posted much lately. I’m really not sure why. Nothing has really changed in my world. I talked with Daddy for awhile last night and he is so worried about Mama. So am I, but I am also very worried about him. He says she is doing too much and getting too tired. He also said that she is VERY irritable. I have seen that first hand as well. That makes me wonder if something is bothering her and she isn’t saying. Daddy is in bad shape himself. I came home today and he was in my driveway on his Gator sound asleep. He does that all the time. What if it happens on the road where he shouldn’t be driving that Gator anyway? I feel helpless when I look at them knowing that neither of them are well and there is nothing I can do about it.

    Clara replied 16 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
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  • clara's avatar


    August 22, 2008 at 5:35 am

    Sometimes I just read and do not post.

    I know it is hard to see both parents not doing well. Thank God they have you there for them.

    Pop in more often and let us know what is going on.


    Caretaker of husband, Bob.
    Stage IV
    Diagnosed Jan, 2007
  • 's avatar

    August 22, 2008 at 3:12 am

    Hi Julianne,

    Yeah its been a while, in a way thats good news.. thats means your doing okay I suspect. I am sure your back to school by now. Here in Ohio it starts Monday. I think your dad is just feeling his age right now. Sneaking a little nap here and there. keep an eye out. Nice to hear from you. All is well here, Gene goes for his one year soon, in Sept. Take care, missed ya. Ginger

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