Home Forums All Categories Non Invasive Bladder Cancer BCG with Interferon

  • sara.anne

    February 13, 2018 at 3:49 am

    Keeping fingers crossed!

    Sara Anne

    Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
    BCG; BCG maintenance
    Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
    Forum Moderator
  • vinced

    February 13, 2018 at 3:33 am

    Biopsy #3 in the books as of last Thursday. Just waiting for the result now. The second Cytology test from a few weeks back was negative, so I am cautiously optimistic that the result of this biopsy will be good.

    Cltyxx… How have your treatments been?


  • cltyxx

    January 26, 2018 at 12:40 am

    Hope all the best!

    I will start my 1st BCG + Interferon tomorrow for 6 rounds. Keep fighting!

    Diagnosed on 03/23/2017
    TURBT#1 04/06/2017, Pathology report not conclusive
    TURBT#2 05/26/2017, HG T1, No cancer found
    BCG 6 treatments finished on 08/11/2017
    Cysto: 11/14/2017 Biopsy: 11/27/2017 Still There!
    TURBT #3 01/05/2018, No Cancer found

  • vinced

    January 25, 2018 at 9:59 pm

    So, I had another follow-up cystoscopy this morning, and while I have been doing and feeling better (last cytology was negative) there are still about 4 spots of inflammation present. My urologist is also running another cytology test, but even if that is negative he still wants to be certain that the inflamed spots are just inflammation and not cancerous. It appears that I will need to have biopsy #3 in the next few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed that both the cytology and the biopsy come back negative.

    It has been ~3 months since my last BCG/Interferon treatment. Been slowly but surely feeling better as time goes on. Hoping it is just the healing that is taking a while.


  • George9

    December 14, 2017 at 11:15 pm

    All the best!!

  • cltyxx

    December 14, 2017 at 9:52 pm

    Hi George9 and VinceD,

    Thanks for these positive results! Keep fighting! Definitely better than the alternative….

    I will possibly do my TURBT in early Jan. and then BCG + Inerferon. Will be there!

    Take care!


  • George9

    December 14, 2017 at 3:27 pm

    that’s great, Vince! I also had lots of inflammation after the treatments, and was urinating non stop. since I have had a couple of month’s rest, I am almost back to normal, so hang in there. Of course, after next Tues., I’ll probably be right back there, but at least I know it does get better. It certainly is better than the alternative, right?

  • George9

    December 14, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    Me too, thank you!

  • vinced

    December 14, 2017 at 2:54 pm

    Hi All!

    George, glad to see things are working for you! I had my follow up cystoscopy last Friday (6 weeks after final treatment). I still have a lot of inflammation in there, but the good news is that my cytology came back negative for CIS cells. My doctor told me that this is not a definitive test, and he gave me the option of going back in for another biopsy or waiting again 6 weeks and coming back for another follow up cystoscopy. I have chosen the latter. After two biopsies, I’d like to avoid having to go through it again if possible.

    I have not had any hematuria in weeks, which I take as a good sign. My only issue now is that my bladder capacity is still restricted… probably due to the inflammation caused by the BCG / Interferon treatments. I am taking Oxybutynin, extended release for this and it seems to be helping. Hoping that in another 6 weeks we see some good progress with the inflammation. If that happens. I will likely start the maintenance treatments shortly thereafter.

    Keep up the good fight!

  • cltyxx

    December 14, 2017 at 2:30 pm

    That’s great and hope it stay that way!


  • George9

    December 14, 2017 at 12:31 pm


    Had second TURBT in August, after 6 BCG treatments. Because of this, doc. combined the BCG with Interferon. Had a cystoscopy in November in the o.r. as a precaution if a TURBT was necessary. Thank God, the combination worked!! I am now scheduled for three more combo. treatments starting this Tues. and a f/u cystoscopy in February. We shall see, at least I had one good report, and pray that I will have many more. Wish the same for you.

    Thank you,


  • cltyxx

    December 14, 2017 at 2:29 am

    Hi VinceD and George9,

    How are things going there! Hope everything goes smoothly!


    Diagnosed on 03/23/2017
    TURBT#1 04/06/2017, Pathology report not conclusive
    TURBT#2 05/26/2017, HG T1, No cancer found
    BCG 6 treatments finished on 08/11/2017
    Cysto: 11/14/2017 Biopsy: 11/27/2017 It came back!
    TURBT #3 scheduled and then BCG + Interferon

  • George9

    October 23, 2017 at 10:26 pm

    Hi Vince,

    Thank you for thinking of me. Glad that you made it through your treatments. I was told that two hours is ideal to hold it, but like you, have only been able to hold for 1 1/2 hours. I couldn’t have my 3rd and 4th treatment due to a lot of blood and leukocytes in my urine. They thought I had a urinary tract infection, and they wouldn’t do them. As it turns out, it’s wasn’t a u.t.i. after all. Both cultures showed no growth, and the doc. thinks this is just how it’s going to be with me. After the treatment, I get some blood when urinating, but usually resolves itself it about a day and a half. So, I am having my 6th treatment on Thursday, had to make up for lost time, and then to the hospital for cystoscopy on 11/15. Doc. wants to do it there this time in case another tumor is there. I hate the thought of being put out again, but I guess it’s better than waiting for a surgery appt. if I had the cystoscopy in the office.

    I have
    LOTS of fatigue with this combo., and lots of spasms. I was going to try the AVO, but it said that there is a lot of side effects, and I didn’t want to chance it.

    Again, thanks so much for keeping in touch and giving me an update on you. I wish us both the best of luck. Please let me know the result of your cystoscopy after you have it.

  • vinced

    October 23, 2017 at 6:14 pm

    Hi George, I was thinking you have completed your 6th treatment. I hope you are recovering well.

    I finished mine on Friday. I will go back in for Cystoscopy on December 8th. I’ve had some cumulative effects with the BCG/Interferon, which have been uncomfortable. I was only able to hold the 6th treatment for about 1 hour 20 minutes before voiding. I’ve noticed more muscle and joint pain than I had with the first set of 6 BCG treatments.

    I found that I have had more discomfort urinating this time around as well. I am hoping that is actually a good sign that they treatment in working. Been taking plenty of Azo and drinking a lot of water to flush things out.

    Hope you are doing well.


  • George9

    September 18, 2017 at 7:48 pm

    Hi Vince,

    Had the second treatment of BCG with interferon today. Same as last week, lots of bladder spasms and some blood. When I first went into the office, gave a urine sample, and it showed that I had some blood in the urine. She said that some doctors consider that a positive, like it’s working to get rid of the junk. Maybe that’s why you had the clots. I was told that fatigue is a common symptom, and I can attest to that from last week. Hoping it doesn’t happen again.

    Checked the post about the water. Thanks. I am going to take it easy from now on.

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