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  • BCG (Tired & exhausted)

    Posted by DoninRichmond on June 17, 2009 at 8:58 pm

    :S Have my 5th BCG treatment tomorrow after work! I find now that I am so Tired & Exhausted, I do not have the energy or desire to do the outdoor things that I so love, this time of year!

    Is this coming from BCG or what do you folks think!

    Bill Jr
    Tumor removed 5/4/09
    “T1 high-grade”
    Started “BCG” 5/21/09
    Have a 2-yr treatment schedule
    Nix replied 15 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • nix's avatar


    June 20, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    I agree 100%, Sara Anne:)


    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • sara.anne's avatar


    June 20, 2009 at 7:12 pm

    BCG is no fun. After the first, I thought “what is all the fuss about?” but now, after two maintenance rounds, I KNOW what all the fuss is about.

    As for if it is worth it? Every time I think that, I think of friends who have had other types of cancer and have had REAL chemo….makes what we go through with BCG look like a picnic. And then, there is the distinct possibility, as you can see from many on this forum, of staving off the disease entirely. Plenty worth it, IMHO.

    Sara Anne

    Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
    BCG; BCG maintenance
    Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
    Forum Moderator
  • moonerj's avatar


    June 19, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    I wondered the same Bill. After 2 recurrences on BCG, I was ready to try something else, even looked into a RC. Then I got a clear Cysto, went on to BCG maintenance, and have been clear ever since. Since being off BCG for 6 months now, my physical life is back to the way it was prior to BLC.
    So in my case the problems with BCG treatments have been worth it so far.
    I wish you all the best,

    TA Grade 1
    3 Turbts
    30 BCG Treatments
    Cancer Free since Nov 2007
  • doninrichmond's avatar


    June 19, 2009 at 7:36 pm

    :woohoo: Had BCG #5 yesterday, and the cath was not too bad this time! However, about 1 1/2 hrs later the pain was worse than ever. The medication (1)the one that turns your urine orange and (2) Vesicare, did little to help.

    Today things (pain) have setteled down somewhat, but I am still tired & exhusted.

    BCG is not a guarentee, so I wonder if the effect on your quality of life is worth it :S

    7-weeks till my 1st cysto, after tumor removal.

    Have a good weekend and God Bless!

    Bill Jr
    Tumor removed 5/4/09
    “T1 high-grade”
    Started “BCG” 5/21/09
    Have a 2-yr treatment schedule
  • doninrichmond's avatar


    June 18, 2009 at 8:03 pm

    :lol: Jack & Al you are both right! I’ll tke 40% of the blame for feeling sorry for myself, leading to some degree of laziness.

    Had my 5th BCG today and talked to the “NP” about it while she was filling my Bladder with that special-necter.

    She said being tired & exhausted is one side-effect of BCG and that it will take 3 – 4 weeks to get my energy back after #6 (next week). :woohoo: Then a 3-month break, before we start over :S

    In 7-weeks I get my first “cycto” since tumor removal, but you folks know the dance, you’ve been there and done that.

    Have a good weekend.

    Bill Jr
    Tumor removed 5/4/09
    “T1 high-grade”
    Started “BCG” 5/21/09
    Have a 2-yr treatment schedule
  • alsimons's avatar


    June 18, 2009 at 1:58 pm

    Jack brings up an interesting point and one I pondered over the last three treatments as the tiredness, nausea and chills became more pronounced with each treatment. In my case I never wanted to undertake BCG treatments to begin with and had opted for a RC back in January on the advice of my Oncologist. So I questioned myself if I was even going to give BCG a fair chance or was it just the last hurdle I had to subject myself to before getting rid of the bladder. Because we read so much from others experiences do we automatically condition ourselves to expect similar results in our case? I think Jake’s honesty of being a bit lazy and feeling sorry for oneself is something that along the line we have all rightly indulged in.
    Taking that into consideration I have never in my 59 years been so tired that I could not get up and move around and do the things I enjoy doing until now. Sunday was 95 here in Apopka, Florida and I sat outside for a while and still had chills. Today is the 6th day from my last treatment and I feel good. I’m still looking for the person who punched my kidneys but maybe I have another UTI and it had nothing to do with the BCG. (I most likely would blame a hang nail on BCG if I could get away with it.)
    Good luck on your 6th tomorrow and hang in there.

  • moonerj's avatar


    June 18, 2009 at 2:00 am

    Hi Bill

    I have had 30 BCG treatments. I found I was also tired after treatments, and had to push myself to do even some of the things in life I most enjoy.
    My wife pushed me to go golfing, my kids paid for a golf cart for the season for me. That way I could drive quickly to the bushes to pee.
    I found I was actually just being lazy and feeling sorry for myself.
    Was it the BCG, I think partly, but my thought process was part of the problem too. Don’t let cancer beat you down, enjoy life to the fullest.
    Being positive changed my outlook, thanks to my wife.
    All the best,

    TA Grade 1
    3 Turbts
    30 BCG Treatments
    Cancer Free since Nov 2007

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