BCG starts 7/6
I’m starting my 6wk regimen of BCG next week at MD Anderson. The results of my procedure: Biopsy of the prostatic urethra show rare a typical urothelial cells suspicous of CIS. Anderson Pathologists reviewed the slides that I brought with me and reported one area positive for CIS, several others suspicous for CIS. Upper tract appears clear as does the CT and x-rays. I am preparing myself mentally for the upcoming treatments knowing that this is the right path forward with the best chance for a favorable outcome.
My Austin Uro and I have parted ways. I went back to talk to him about my situation after I returned from Houston,I thought that this was the right thing to do. Well, after he told me how big a mistake I was making and several other comments about the care I would recieve at MD Anderson, I thanked him for finding the cancer and got up to leave, he said come back in a month so I can make sure they are on the right track and gave me an appointment sheet, I placed that sheet in file 13 as I walked out the door and felt good about it. My GP is helping me find an Austin Uro that “gets along with MD Anderson”. bye!!