BCG side effects and exercise
Hi all, I had my first 6 infusions of BCG two and half months ago, I still have days I feel my bladder is irritated, needing to urinate quite often and with a kind of mild to moderate burning sensation ,not when I urinate, but when Holding the urine in my bladder, as I said, some days are much better than others and I wonder if this can still be a side effect of the treatment after all this time with no BCG, yesterday I did some exercise at home, planks , abs , squats, and today I feel the bladder is particularly irritated, does anyone know if there is any connection between exercise and the sensation of discomfort Im going through? Im hoping to have my next 3 BCG top ups in two weeks, they could not confirm it will happen, hopefully it wont be cancelled due to the covid-19 situation , take care and keep safe everybody !