Bag people, swim suit dilema solved!!!!
Awhile back I posted a topic on how to hide the bag when swimming.( and stoma of course) In the event that we were about to hit Scottsdale Arizona for vacation I asked for some input. Everyone was most helpful, I can now tell you that for the external bag people , when you swim the bag stays on and no problems at all.
Peter K was nice enough to send his wife out and she found a suit that works for Gene. But in the meantime I went to Joanne Fabric and bought material, a stretchy lycra, in colors that of course match his suits, and now I have made the CUMBERBUN… It is similar to a top called a TUBE TOP, but I made it a little longer . So now we are in THE FASHION CRITERIA for vacation!!!
CAN YOU IMAGINE,,,,CUMBERBUNS by Ginger…it works!!!!