bad stoma placement
I had RC on July 20th. Pathology says that they got all of the cancer which is a good thing. Unfortunately, the surgeon decided to place the stoma very low on the right side due to a scar from a previous hernia surgery. The stoma nurse marked a spot much higher but he chose not to place it there. Now the problem is that since it is in the groin area, with lots of skin folds, it has been almost impossible to get a Urosotomy pouch to stay sealed for more that a day and sometimes it needs to be changed 2-3 times a day. Because of the location it is impossible for me to see well enough to change by myself even with a mirror. This requires someone to be near to change it when it leaks. I went from a seemingly health, except for cancer, individual who walked 20 to 30 miles each week to someone who is now afraid to leave the house for fear of a leak. We take supplies with us when we do go out but what can you do when you in a restaurant or movie theater and it leaks? You can’t just lay down there and change it. I am hoping someone out there has had a similar situation and has found a solution. I am very happy that they got the cancer but the post surgery situation makes me very upset.
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