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Julie, I am SO glad you guys had the time at Joe’s. And the UTI does come on fast, we both know. You were very good to get it recognized and taken care of so fast.
And good job with the ER. I have taken to carryng a list of meds, past history, and pertinent test results, updated with each visit, just like you suggested. At our ER admission last week, I just handed it to them, and they copied it.
Clear out those visitors. When they ask what they can do, give them a list of household chores….shopping, cooking, freezing, gardening, and cleaning. Tell them it is for your sanity, and you really really appreciate their help. Tell your grandson to record a story for Grandpa. He can play it back to himself and have a great time, and then Grandpa can record as story back, without exposing either to infections.
There….that’s all my advice for today. Take care of yourself, and get a massage next week. You got through the worst of it.
Is Dick on any antibiotics full time for the UTI’s? Doran just came home Saturday with macrodantin.
Stephany in Iowa
So sorry that Dick is back in the hospital with a UTI. You guys can’t seem to get a break. I am glad that Dick got to enjoy Joe’s Crab Shack before this hit. Definately have the high maintenence visitors stay in a hotel. This will be less stressful for you and them. Sending you big hugs (((Julie)).Charlotte
You’re amazing Julie. Sorry you keep having all of these situations thrown at you. You sure do handle them with a level head.
I love Lisa’s idea of the high maintenance company staying at a hotel. I can think of a few visitors that I would love to have stay at a hotel. I would even pay for it just for my own sanity!
Take care. You are an inspiration to me.
Age 53 Currently
Bladder Cancer Diagnosis October 2006 T1G3
2011 Finally made it 6 month between Cystos
8/22/2011 Cysto in the OR
(BCG and BCG Maintenance over the years)
Graduated to yearly Cystos
Tumor found at first one year Cysto – TURBT 4/26/2013
Kidney pain – CT scan 5/1/2013Hi Julie
So sorry that Dicks back in hospital with another UTI it sounds like they were effficient at getting him the treatment he needed quickly which must have been a relief.
Its amazing how quickly things can go wrong but you always sound as if you deal with it calmly and it must be so reassuring to Dick to have you there.Could your daughter not stay in a local hotel and just visit for short periods it would ease your stress and still mean she your grandson can spend time with you and Dick.
Take lots of care
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