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Hi on February 14 2013 I had a T2-T3 tumor removed from the right side of my bladder which thankfully was only into the epithelia tissue, the doctor gave me a dose of Mitomyacin C and I had complications as a result in which my ureter became inflamed and had stint put in then after 3 weeks doctor took it out and inflamed again to have a nephrostomy tube put in. So after getting a clean check up in July 2013 I started have gross blood in urine and sperm this time and on Sept 9th went to doctor, well he saw another tumor this time surround the left distal ureter, I am 50yrs old scared, yet trying to be strong for my wife and everyone around me. Doctor says he is going to remove as much as possible due to it surrounding the ureter then use a ureterscope to look in ureter towards kidney. what are some other chemo medications that he might use that would not cause me the complications I had with mitomyacin c? has anyone else had similar problems in past and is it common to have it return so soon. I quit smoking several years ago and am leading a more healthy life style….Thanks