anyone with adenocarcinoma having partial cystectomy?
Just wondering if any members have had any history of adenocarcinoma or partial cystectomy.
Here is my story>>>
I’m 34 years old now. I began having symptoms at age 25 (mucus,mucus with blood rarely).At 26 they discoverd a 1-2cm tumor at the dome of bladder. Had TUR by local urologist, but returned 1 year later and had TUR again. Pathology of both read cystitis glandularis with metaplasia and severe dyplasia – unable to rule invasion on second TUR. My urologist ordered BCG x6wks even though no TCC involved. Week of 31st b-day tumor returned. I then went to MD Anderson and saw Dr. Kamat who performed a 3rd TUR. This time pathology read same but stated adenocarcinoma arising in the back ground with mucularis propria present. CT(-),x-ray(-), Dr. Kamat suggested partial cystectomy because it was a solitary tumor in the dome. He was able to remove tumor with 2cm margins and removed urachal tract and umbilicus. Nodes(-)& margin(-). 2years so far so good. next cysto in 3 weeks, still get nervous.