Anybody experience this pain before dx?
Wow, I’m so glad I found this site. I’m a 50 yr old female (never smoked, though mother was heavy smoker and was exposed to hers 2nd hand) and I was just dx’d last week with bladder cancer (non-invasive papillary carcinoma) after a cystoscopy/bladder wash by my urologist. Funny thing is, he said (during the cysto) that my bladder looked “great.” I am scheduled for biopsies on Monday, 6/11/06 and he will also “brush” my ureters. My concern is this: if my bladder looked so healthy, obviously the cells must be originating from above. Whether it is the ureter or kidney remains to be seen. My WORRY is this: that it has already metastized beyond the kidney. I have had kidney stones for years (25), indeed, have passed over a dozen since April 2005, and have consistently had hematuria; so, due to this fact I believe that the cancer has been around awhile. I have repeatedly been to my physician, who has been great, except that symptoms have so easily been explained by the stones. Pain has increased (flank and down the ureter to bladder). I cannot find anywhere on the web how long kidney/ureteral cancer can exist before it spreads, or at what point one feels pain. I know that in due time these questions will be answered with the biopsies, etc., but I’m pretty anxious. I’m worried. :-/ My questions are: Can non-invasive papillary carcinoma cause pain, and by virtue of the fact that it has been termed “non-invasive” – does that mean it would NOT have spread yet?