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  • A sad day and a big thank you

    Posted by julieanne on October 22, 2008 at 1:05 am

    It’s been a while since I have posted. Guess I had gotten a little complacent with the way things were going. Today when I logged on I found the news about Angelo. It was a reminder of what a terrible disease this is. It is also a reminder of how often Karen has given me help and strength along with caring so valiantly for her sweet husband. My deepest sympathies to you Karen and your family along with my heartfelt thanks for all the times you took the time to reach out to others here when you had your own situation at hand. I realize words don’t really help, but know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    From my end, nothing much has changed. Mama went to the doc today for her check up. She has lost another 9 pounds bringing it to a toal of about 50. He is concerned about the weight loss. He says it can be a sign of spread. He listed to everything etc and suggested scans (which he had previously seen no need for). However, he wants to do the scans next time in January?? Anyway, You know me…..reading into things…..did he hear, feel or see something suspicious? WHo knows, but we will carry on as usual. GOd speed to all of you and thanks for listening!

    Stephany replied 16 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • stephany's avatar


    October 22, 2008 at 8:45 pm

    Julianne, has he suggested Megace? That stopped my husband’s weight loss, and he actually gained some weight this past week.

    Good luck.

    Stephany in Iowa

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