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  • A little more humor…

    Posted by lhpdogs on November 16, 2006 at 9:15 pm

    Although I’ve only been diagnosed last year (TaG1), I was inspired by recent posts to try my hand at a little more humor, put into verse. Nods to Greg, the witty Brit, for the wine references..and Bubbles, et al for the other visuals….

    Oh billowy waves of leafy coral And delicate gills of fishes; Tall sturdy stalky of pale brocolli – all here against our wishes!

    Dear doctor, tell me, can you see an end to all of this for me? I tire of gel and scopes and tubes and Burgundy, Claret and Rose hues…

    Someday, can I pee without turning about and fervently hoping that what has come out No longer resembles a fine Cabernet But more like a faded and dry Chardonnay?


    TaG1 12/05
    3 recurrences
    BCG started 9/09
    Mike replied 18 years ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • mike

    November 17, 2006 at 1:45 am

    maybe it’s tied with the Bong (which only exists in Greg’s mind–by the way)   :-?

    Yeah – Yeah – Yeah that’s what they all say just worried that you’ll nick their stash or want to share more than the bong :o

    Got you sussed Bubbles – I still suggest avoiding risk in future by carpets in the kitchen – learn a trick or two from RugRat in exchange for lending her the bong. ;)

    You should be so lucky 8-)

    have a FANTASTIC day.

    Greg L-W.

  • mike

    November 17, 2006 at 1:35 am

    Well aren’t we a little show off.   :P

    I think I own the trademark for the coral reef tumor analogy…..so back off bucko!  ;)

    Very cute and yes, laughter is the medicine………well, maybe it’s tied with the Bong (which only exists in Greg’s mind–by the way)   :-?

  • mike

    November 17, 2006 at 1:12 am


    that was great

    HOWEVER I ain’t saying cheers on the strength of the callibre of vintages on offer!

    How about:


    Just an idea!

    Greg L-W.

  • Mikmckna

    November 16, 2006 at 9:39 pm


    That was very good!

    Believe in yourself,
    T1-G3, CIS
    RC w/ Neobladder 8/22/06

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