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I am surprised to learn that you had no pre-op tests and discussions about anethesia before today? Did you go through any pre-op blood tests, CT scans, chest x-ray etc. I didn’t want an epidural as I know I would freak if I am unable to move my legs. Rather than a general, where the long tube is inserted way down the throat and can cause discomfort for a couple days after surgery I requested a shorter tube. It sounds something like Ellie May.
Hi all, it’s the big day today at noon for me. I hate general also..so I hope to get the spinal actually. I just had a spinal for my daughter when she was born 6 months ago and I felt a whole lot better with it. does anyone really know how long it takes to do the surgery? 15 min ? when I asked the nurse she thought 40 min to an hr but not sure. I suppose it depends on the person. :-/ I’m going to spend my morning packing Jasmines diaper bag,got the stroller out for my mom to push her around and trying to keep busy so I dont think to much. my son is going to spend the night with his dad (my ex) and he’s going to school so thats a blessing there because he talks way to much,I need to relax. I sent my husband to work today..only one day of vacation left..I told him just go..I dont want this to be any more dramaful..he gets me all nervous when he worries. my mom is steady and calm plus she knows how to handle jasmine. were u guys nervous on your big day also? I just dont wana be put under,I get all phobic about that. any words of wisdom on that subject? how does a person feel after the removal?
will the dr go over anything with me? toooooooooooo nervous!!!!Stacey
I do get a knock out drug, too. I hate general anesthesia. It takes me forever to wake up and I get in a really bad mood. The Anesthesiolgist seems to understand what I describe to him, and he has compassion and gives me my way.
I hate general anesthesia.
Age – 55
T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
Dx January 2006GuestJanuary 22, 2007 at 3:56 amReally Rosemary…an epidural? I mean with a TURB you’re only out about l5 minutes and a short time in recovery .. no pain…and you walk out of the place. I’d have a panic attack if i had to watch!! But then again i had a very bad experience with an epidural once.
My suggestion to you is to talk it over thoroughly with your doctor to see if he has an objection to your own preference of anesthesia.
My personal preference has always been an epidural. It makes a big difference for my recovery time, so I ask for it always and then try to stand my ground (unless I get vetoed by the Doctor).
Good luck tomorrow.
Best regards,
Age – 55
T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
Dx January 2006thanks for all who replied and I really apreciate it. this is a nice place to share feelings. night before my surgery I feel all jittery,all nervous . does a person get to pick the kind of anestesia they want?
your all really a great support to me.
->he said to me this is treatable and is one of those things us dr’s call a nuisance type of cancer <- Stacey, I know you are shocked and a bit traumatized by this unexpected find. My heart goes out to you. Let me reasure you though, doctors are 95% accurate in their site diagnosis during a cystscope as confirmed later by a pathology report from the biopsy at TURB. If he spoke the words "nuisance type" he most probably saw a low grade papillary growth. When I moved to Virginia from Texas, a tumor was seen during my last cystoscopy in Texas. A picture of the tumor was taken during the cystscopy in Texas and given to me. When I showed it to my new urologist in Virginia, he explained to me what inidcated it to be be a very low grade just by seeing the picture itself prior to his cystscopsy. It was confirmed as such once I had the tumor removed. My sister-in-law had a growth in her bladder. Pathology showed it to be benign - not cancer. Stay hopeful that the find is minor.
I’m sorry to meet yet another young mother with a bladder cancer diagnosis. Please don’t despair.
There are many types of bladder tumors ranging from non-threatening to life-threatening. Nothing can be determined without a biopsy and TUR (transurethral resection), and pathology. Then you’ll know what you’re dealing with. Until then, don’t read everything about bladder cancer. It’s confusing and scary even when you know the territory and have a definite diagnosis. Before that time all you have to do is stay sane till the results come back, and then you know what to look for. There are quite a few ways to deal with bladder cancer. My sister had no other treatment aside from tumor removal.
What you want to hear is that it’s stage Ta, grade 1, like my sister had.
Take care of yourself,
WendyHi Stacey,
I think Skypilot has pretty much covered it all. One thing that my Doctor warned me about after my initial diagnosis and before the stage and grading was, “Be careful about what you read on the internet.
You’ll see a lot of worse case scenarios.” I think that your Doctor was being very reassuring with you. I think you should listen to him.There is a page on the Bladder Cafe Home Page called “Questions” and you might find this helpful in talking with your doctor and preparing for your biopsy.
This is really the hardest time, after diagnosis and before the stage and grade .
The fact that you don’t smoke is good. Don’t start now….
Good luck on Monday and please let us know how it turns out.
Best regards,
Age – 55
T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
Dx January 2006Try to relax the odds are it isnt that bad, It would be very rare that it is life threatnimg, For sure life changing. And it does suck but we all go on. Even if it were the very worst case you would a lot of years left to help your kids get older . Don
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