9-11 Surgery Done and I Got Home Yesterday
Operation took 6 hours only problem was I was 6′ 3″ and added size added some time. Conduit is working and may have lucked out today and found Hollester Bag that will hold for more than 30 hours my record to date)— Hollister is being helpful and my stoma presently ‘kind of’ a ‘inny’ but maybe future will pop it out a little — but35 hours on new convex single bag design is encouraging.
I must say that there were two uniqiue aspects no one predicted that made my surgery — a trip to Hell and Back. One immediately got C-Dip infection and then second day I went into ‘Hospital Pyschosis.’ The infection beat me up physically where I could not lift even one finger to pick my nose and the psychosis on third day put me in very unreal frightening places where I want never to return to ever again.
Cancer ended up in Prostate as well as Baldder but all planes, edges and nodes look clear. Pain has just about disappeared and I am 21 days after surgery. Just have to eat moderately and stay away from heavy stuff so intestine can get healed — found out ingnoring this has immediate painful upleasant results
The Heath Care I got from Surgeon Vincent Ortolano and entire staff at Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque, NM was nothing but top notch and this was backed by and equally excellent job by Presbyterian Hospital In Lincoln County Ruidoso with my bro Dr. Chris Robinson and staff who aided me with few more in patience days to beat that bad boy infection.
No fun operation, but never had anyone advertized it as such, but this 71 year old priest is probably going to preach a few more sermons — do hear some groans out there?
Thanks for your sharing words, knowledge of what lies ahead sincerely help even thouh you are are uniqiue, and uniqie things do pop up. When I get some of 45 pounds back I will attemppt to add to my blog:http://oldpadre.blogspot.com/ Medicine — an Art and Science — and I am here — thanks to my talented fellow human beings.
Age 72 had radical 9/11/10 have conduit everything is fine, grateful to be a cancer survivor. Lost Dad and Brother to Cancer both in their 50’s.