82 yr old Female w/Dementia-“I’m fine”
My neighbor & friend has Dementia-waiting on biopsy results to see what stages she has. As soon as we have results, I will be able to help more. DO DEMENTIA PATIENTS HAVE A PREDISPOSITION TO BLADDER CANCER?
The Dr stated after procedure she was shocked to find cancer & not Hunners lesions.
We are beyond frustrated with her not getting good care, repeatedly saying “I am just wonderful, fine, God will take care of me.” Both of them are not getting good healthcare & their youngest child doesn’t care to help-just lies to them. One of the daughter’s visited & made a specialist appointment thank God husband & youngest didn’t let her cancel it.
(Po’ gal’s religiousness stops her from sharing symptoms-she thinks her husband is a nonbeliever, so she wants him to see Gods Power.) This is of course her dementia scrabbling her logic. And has caused daughter’s to be at odds.
(The husband is in denial about her mental capacity or lies. Her children live miles away w/the exception of youngest child; who only comes around for subtle handouts. These folks don’t see what has been happening. And the daughter’s are being lied to-along w/busy careers & raising grandkids.)
She doesn’t really eat well, hates water which I found is typically not good when doctors keep treating UTI after UTI, Has been hospitalized for dehydration in the past. Has horrible pains, passes clots, but won’t tell husband doesn’t want to wake him, so I am assuming the Doctor has never heard of it.
I feel she needs to be in care facility. I have tried to help.
I am very sad for my friends.