36 yo female, found 1.5 x 3cm mass on bladder incidentally on CT scan
Hi everyone. I went to the GI doc for stomach pain and had an upper GI scope and colonoscopy done. Everything was fine. Sent to have a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis. Most of the results were fine. Except they found something. This is from the report…
“There is a 3.5 x 4.8 cm right ovarian cyst without calcification. The left ovary is not enlarged but appears stretched along
the left posterolateral margin of the urinary bladder. Left posterolateral urinary bladder wall thickening is suggested, however. In addition, there is also a suggestion of a left lower anterior wall
urinary bladder noncalcified mass measuring 1.5 x 3.0 cm. The urinary bladder is mildly distended. Numerous small lower pelvic calcified phleboliths are noted.”The bladder mass is the thing I’m most concerned about. I’m 36. I have two young kiddos. I’m just really nervous. No symptoms, I think. I tend to be easily influenced so when I google symptoms, all of a sudden I’m sure I have them! Haha.
They recommended that I have an ultrasound to get more images of the stuff going on. My ultrasound appointment is December 12 with a GYN. Should I be looking into getting a urologist? Does December 12 seem too far away? I’ve heard the waiting is the worst and from my very brief experience, it has been.