2 BCG Treatments Down – 1 To Go
About a month ago I posted that my husband had 2 new tumors at the 3 month Cysto check. Very familiar territoy for him as he has never had a clean 3 month Cysto. However this was the first time they did a biopsy in the procedure room. Reflecting on that day there are a couple of unsettling images that have not left my mind. When the doctor grabbed tumor #1 with the mini scissors and pulled not all of the tumor was removed and there was a lot of floating particles of tissue/tumor. This scares me. Can a small particle enter the bloodstream and make a home somewhere else in the body? The pathology came back low grade for the first time ever. Due to some staging/grading discrepancies early on they had been sending all of my husband’s samples to two different labs. This was not done this time. So therefore I am hoping this is not an understage as it happens so often with bladder cancer. Even though my husband is considered a BCG failure x 2 he has currently completed two of three treatments as of Friday. The final one will be this coming Friday and a repeat Cysto in January. I just feel like each and every time he does a series of treatments that he is playing with fire and that eventually he’s going to get burned. I respect his decisions but they are not what I would chose for him. It weighs heavily on my mind that he is going to regret trying to save his bladder instead of playing it safe and saving his life. Sorry I rambled but I feel so uneasy when I think about the situation and I respect so many of you that contribute here and I am grateful for any input.
Age 53 Currently
Bladder Cancer Diagnosis October 2006 T1G3
2011 Finally made it 6 month between Cystos
8/22/2011 Cysto in the OR
(BCG and BCG Maintenance over the years)
Graduated to yearly Cystos
Tumor found at first one year Cysto – TURBT 4/26/2013
Kidney pain – CT scan 5/1/2013